Newcastle (NCL) airport
Main catalog categories:
Newcastle International Airport lies in the heart of the North East & is an extremely accessible regional airport. With the A1 being a principal north south road, it by-passes the city centre and leads directly to the airport.
When planning your trip to Newcastle Airport, we thought it would be helpful for you to know some approximate drive times:
NCL from: Drive Time:
Carlisle 75 minutes
Darlington 1 hour
Durham 45 minutes
Edinburgh 2 hours
Glasgow 3 hours
Leeds 2 hours
Manchester 3 hours
Newcastle 15 minutes
Sunderland 45 minutes
York 2 hours
How to get to Newcastle Airport....
From the North:
The A1 is the principal road linking to the dual carriageway A696 which leads directly to Newcastle International Airport.
From Edinburgh, the A68/A696 provides a direct road to the airport.
Recent upgrades to the A74 between Glasgow and Carlisle now make the journey to Newcastle International Airport even easier.
From the South:
Drive North on the A1, the road by-passes Newcastle city centre as it connects with the upgraded A696 direct to the Airport.
From the West:
The A69 links with the A1 and then the A696, providing a direct route to Newcastle International Airport.
Satellite Navigation:
If you have satellite navigation in your car our postcode is NE13 8BZ.
Parking at Newcastle International Airport could not be easier. All Newcastle Airport car parks are conveniently located next to the airport terminal building. Our car parks have high levels of security, with high-tech CCTV systems, electronically controlled entry and exit barriers, and regular patrols of all parking locations at Newcastle Airport.
All car parks are backed by the ‘Park Mark' award for secure car parks, providing total peace of mind when parking your car to travel from Newcastle Airport. Special assistance bays are available in the Short Stay, Medium Stay, Long Stay, and Express Pick Up and Drop Off parking at Newcastle Airport.
Airport Structure
The company structure of Newcastle International Airport is the result of an agreement by the airport's seven local authority shareholders to enter into a Public Private Partnership with Copenhagen Airports in May 2001. As part of the establishment of a PPP for the future the local authority shareholders sold 49% of their equity interest in the Company to Copenhagen Airports and the Company has entered into a 15 year Technical Services Agreement with Copenhagen Airports.
Newcastle International Airport Woolsington, Newcastle
Phone: 0871-882-1121, Email:
Kurta Schorka 36 71210 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina , Vacha
Phone: +387-33-289100, Email:
A-1300 Wien Flughafen , Vienna
Phone: +43-1-70070
DAA, Shannon Airport, Co Clare, Ireland, Shannon
Phone: +353-61-712000
Stansted Airport Limited, Enterprise House, Bassingbourn Road, Essex, United Kingdom, London
Phone: +440-844-3351803
Lennujaama tee 2, 11101 Tallinn, ESTONIA, Tallin
Phone: +372-605-8888, Email:
Bulgaria; 1540 Sofia; Sofia Airport, Sofija
Phone: +359-2-9372211
De Kleetlaan 14, 1831 Machelen, Belgium, Brussels
Phone: +32-2-7537753
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