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Updated on: 2010-12-16 19:22  Views from 2009-08-25: 0

Vrazhdebna (SOF)

Address:Bulgaria; 1540 Sofia; Sofia Airport
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Brussels Blvd is the main thoroughfare and the easiest way to reach Sofia Airport.
Via Brussels Blvd. and Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd, Sofia Airport is connected westwards to the city centre and eastwards to Trakya highway.
From the northern city areas, Sofia Airport is conveniently accessible via the East Tangent Str. Its junction with Botevgradsko Shose Blvd opens an exit into Hemus highway.

Sofia Airport's public car parks are open 24/7. They are situated directly in front of the terminal buildings.

The car park at Terminal 1 is an open type, with a capacity for 400 vehicles.

Parking rates - Т1:

Short stay
up to 1 hour

2.00 BGN
from 1 hour & 5 minutes up to 7 hours, for each additional hour

2.00 BGN
from 7 hours & 5 minutes up to 12 hours

15.00 BGN
from 12 hours & 5 minutes up to 24 hours

18.00 BGN
from 24 hours & 5 minutes up to 36 hours

20.00 BGN
from 36 hours & 5 minutes up to 48 hours

25.00 BGN

Long stay
up to 5 days

from 5 up to 15 days

60.00 BGN
from 15 up to 30 days

80.00 BGN
per each subsequent month

140.00 BGN
fine for a lost parking entry ticket

100.00 BGN
customs controlled parking - 24 hours

10.00 BGN

The car park at Terminal 2 is a parking garage, with a passageway connecting it to the airport public areas in Departures and Arrivals. Its capacity is for 800 vehicles.

Parking rates - Т2:
Short stay
up to 1 hour

3.00 BGN
from 1 hour & 5 minutes up to 7 hours, for each additional hour

2.00 BGN
from 7 hours & 5 minutes up to 12 hours

17.00 BGN
from 12 hours & 5 minutes up to 24 hours

20.00 BGN
from 24 hours & 5 minutes up to 36 hours

22.00 BGN
from 36 hours & 5 minutes up to 48 hours

27.00 BGN

Long stay
up to 5 days

50.00 BGN
from 5 up to 15 days

from 15 up to 30 days

90.00 BGN
per each subsequent month

150.00 BGN
fine for a lost parking entry ticket

100.00 BGN






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Newcastle (NCL) airport

Newcastle International Airport Woolsington, Newcastle
Phone: 0871-882-1121, Email:

Sarajevo (SJJ)

Kurta Schorka 36 71210 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina , Vacha
Phone: +387-33-289100, Email:

Schwechat (VIE)

A-1300 Wien Flughafen , Vienna
Phone: +43-1-70070

Shannon airport (SNN)

DAA, Shannon Airport, Co Clare, Ireland, Shannon
Phone: +353-61-712000

Stansted (STN)

Stansted Airport Limited, Enterprise House, Bassingbourn Road, Essex, United Kingdom, London
Phone: +440-844-3351803

Ülemiste airport (TLL)

Lennujaama tee 2, 11101 Tallinn, ESTONIA, Tallin
Phone: +372-605-8888, Email:

Vrazhdebna (SOF)

Bulgaria; 1540 Sofia; Sofia Airport, Sofija
Phone: +359-2-9372211

Zaventem (BRU)

De Kleetlaan 14, 1831 Machelen, Belgium, Brussels
Phone: +32-2-7537753

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