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Updated on: 2010-12-16 17:49  Views from 2009-08-25: 0

Schwechat (VIE)

Address:A-1300 Wien Flughafen
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Flughafen Wien AG is one of the few airports in Europe quoted on the stock exchange. As a developer, builder and operator of Vienna Airport it offers the full range of associated services:

* airport operations
* ground operations
* security services
* infrastructure provider
* commercial activities

Thanks to its geographical position in the centre of Europe, it is one of the most important hubs for the growing number of destinations in central and eastern Europe.
Its growth strategy is also based on positive development of demand for flights to destinations in Asia and the Middle East and the above-average expansion of low-cost carriers. Vienna Airport was the point of arrival or departure for some 19.7 million passengers in 2008, 5.2% more than the previous year.


Vienna Airport is the largest employer in the east of Austria. In 2008-09, an average of 18,000 employees in 230 companies worked to ensure punctuality, convenience and safety.

A further 52,000 jobs are indirectly connected with Vienna Airport. The airport operations generate tax revenue throughout Austria of just under 1 billion euros per year.

The environment is a subject that affects all of us and one in which we are called upon to make an active contribution. Flughafen Wien AG has long been committed to environmental awareness, which is today an integral component of any responsible corporate strategy. Environmental awareness and business are not incompatible but complement one an other. The environmental policy of Vienna Airport is aimed not only at dealing with environmental problems but also of taking the necessary steps to reduce and if possible eliminate them.

As a site with some 230 companies it is confronted by all of the environmental problems of a medium-sized town. Special attention is paid to the local inhabitants and measures are taken regularly to keep the nuisance caused to them to a minimum.

Vienna Airport is aware of its responsibility!

In the year 2000 a mediation process was launched to study the current impact of Vienna Airport and its environmental projects and development plans and their impact.
In a fair process involving some 50 stakeholders (citizens' initiatives, local communities, the provinces of Lower Austria and Vienna, Austrian Airlines Group, Austro Control air traffic control, Flughafen Wien AG, etc.) solutions were agreed to keep the nuisance caused by air traffic to an acceptable level for the population concerned. The results were set forth in 2005 in a binding mediation agreement.

Following the conclusion of the mediation process, the Verein Dialogforum Flughafen Wien is continuing the dialogue between the stakeholders and monitoring the implementation of the mediation agreement.

Information on the work of the Dialogforum can be found at

"Environment & aviation" information platform
This platform provides figures, data and facts on the following topics:

* noise-reducing approach and take-off routes
* traffic development and distribution
* aircraft noise zones
* sustainability and environmental protection measures at Vienna Airport
* national and international developments

Noise measurement - a network of measuring points
In 1992 the FANOMOS flight track and noise monitoring system was put into operation at Vienna Airport.

There are currently fourteen fixed measuring points in residential areas close to the airport that continuously measure the noise level of passing aircraft and determine the values for the day leg (06:00-22:00) and night leg (22:00-06:00).

Link to the VIE environment website with information on the subject of "environment & aviation" and noise readings.

At Vienna Airport and Austro Control provide a new service with online tracking of aircraft in the Vienna area. The Internet tracking is a practical means of making the measures agreed in the mediation more transparent and accessible.

Noise protection programme - a programme for 10,900 households
The Vienna Airport noise protection programme is part of a package of measures agreed in the mediation in connection with the third runway. It is designed to protect health and increase the quality of life of people living near the airport.

Programme resources are offered to 10,900 households in the region. The total cost will run to around 40 million euros, of which 35 million will be paid directly by Flughafen Wien AG. The other 5 million will come from the Flughafen Wien AG environmental fund.

You can find out whether you are eligible for the noise protection programme at

Third runway project
The third runway is an important project for the future of Vienna Airport. The anticipated long-term development of international air traffic could not be effectively handled with the current system of two intersecting runways and would also be unacceptable for local inhabitants.

An additional take-off and landing runway would mean fewer delays and less fuel consumption and noise through holding patterns during busy periods.

You can find further information on the third runway website.

Latest online annual report
Investor relations
Third runway project
Flight tracks
Noise protection programme
VIE Environment






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