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Updated on: 2010-12-15 21:29  Views from 2009-08-25: 0

Shannon airport (SNN)

Address:DAA, Shannon Airport, Co Clare, Ireland
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Shannon Airport is located approximately 24 kilometres from Limerick and 22 kilometres from Ennis.

Shannon Airport is part of Dublin Airport Authority plc (DAA) , Registered Office Dublin Airport, Co. Dublin, Registered Number 9401 Ireland, Head Office Dublin Airport, Ireland.

Headquartered at Dublin Airport, the DAA's principal activities include airport management, operation and development, domestic and international airport retail management and airport investment. The company's domestic operations include the running of Dublin, Cork and Shannon airports.

Under the 2004 State Airports Act, which came into effect in October 2004, the DAA assumed responsibility for all the assets, liabilities and contracts of the former Aer Rianta.

On dates yet to be confirmed, the Cork and Shannon Airport Authorities may have the relevant airport assets vested in them and assume full responsibility for the management, development and operation of Cork and Shannon airports respectively. In the interim, the board of the DAA has transferred significant day-to-day operational responsibility, under delegated authority, to the boards of the Cork and Shannon Airport Authorities.


Shannon Airport recognises its responsibility to minimise the impact of the airport's operations on the local environment by means of a programme of continuous improvement.

The Safety & Environmental Department manages the environmental programme at Shannon Airport and its role is dedicated to effective management and improvement in many areas including:

* Waste Water treatment & monitoring
* Air Quality monitoring
* Surface Water quality monitoring
* Drinking water quality monitoring
* Noise management
* Effective waste management & recycling initiatives
* Energy consumption
* Airport landscape and ecology
* Community relations

Waste Water Treatment & Monitoring

The airport waste water treatment plant became fully operational in March 2007 and is designed for a population equivalent of 5,000. It encompasses primary, secondary and tertiary treatment elements in order to remove physical and chemical components from the waste water before the final treated effluent stream is released into the Shannon Estuary.

The plant is operated and maintained by Response Group on behalf of the airport authority and is charged with operating all elements of the plant including the environmental monitoring programme. Samples are taken monthly and tested for Ph, BOD, COD, Total Nitrogen, Ammonia, Total Phosphates and Suspended solids. Tests for Residual Chlorine, Sulphates and Oils/Fats and Greases are also carried out.

The discharging of treated wastewater to waters is licensed by Clare County Council and Shannon Airport holds a current discharge licence as required under the Local Government (Water Pollution) Act 1977 and 1990. The wastewater discharged must meet certain minimum standards as outlined in the conditions of the licence.
Air Quality Monitoring

The quality of air at the airport is monitored at 6 monthly intervals in three strategic locations over continuous 10-day periods. The monitoring programme collects a range of data for a number of prescribed parameters, which are then compiled in a detailed report for review by the Safety & Environmental Department.
Surface Water Quality Monitoring

This monitoring programme involves the monitoring of the quality of airport surface water at eleven designated locations around the airport facility including airside and landside.

Samples are collected on a monthly basis and are submitted to an accredited independent laboratory. Surface water is analysed for the following parameters:

* pH.
* Biochemical Oxygen demand.
* Chemical Oxygen demand.
* Total Suspended solids.
* Total nitrogen.
* Dissolved Phosphorus.
* Total hydrocarbons.

Accredited laboratories test all water samples and results and reports are submitted to the Safety & Environmental Dept. for review.
Drinking Water Quality Monitoring

This monitoring programme includes the monitoring of the quality of the raw water supply to the airport treatment plant from Rosroe Lough and the quality of the potable drinking water to the airport from the airport treatment plant at Firgrove.

The quality of the raw water is analysed monthly while the drinking water supply to the airport is analysed every second month.

Both the raw water and treated water are analysed for a number of parameters including:

pH, bacteria, chemicals and heavy metals.

Accredited laboratories test all water samples and results are submitted to the Safety & Environmental Dept. for review and comment.
Noise Management

Shannon Airport is committed to the minimisation of noise disturbance to the local community in the vicinity of the airport.

As the Airport Authority we must ensures that at all times, aircraft operators operate aircraft in a manner calculated to cause the least disturbance practicable in areas surrounding Shannon Airport.

Noise level monitoring on the apron/ramp area is undertaken periodically as part of this management strategy.
Effective Waste Management & Recycling Initiatives

Shannon Airport's waste management policy involves effective management of a number of waste streams including in-flight catering waste, recyclables and hazardous waste.

Some of the more notable recycling initiatives include the recycling of office paper, inkjet/laser cartridges and batteries.

The running and operation of Shannon Airport requires a large energy input. Since the use of energy is an important environmental issue, we keep energy consumption as low as possible through the use of energy saving equipment and technology and through the education and training of staff working at the airport.
Airport Landscape & Ecology

We believe in providing as attractive an airport landscape as possible, which is also consistent with airport security and operational requirements. This commitment to landscape enhancement together with caring for the local ecology, will continue during all future development of the airport.
Community Relations

We continue to listen to local concerns and strive to be responsive to community concerns in relation to environmental issues.




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