Chocolate muffins
2010-12-07 17:11
½ cup raisins
4 Tbsp brandy (The best choice would be Italian „Courvoisier V.S.O.P.")
a bar of „Royal" black chocolate
2/3 cup butter
2/3 cup sugar
4 eggs
½ cup flour
1.5 teaspoon baking-powder
¼ cup starch
¼ cup cocoa powder
¼ cup vanilla sugar
Caster sugar or chocolate glaze for glazing.
Firstly, wash the raisins, pour brandy on them (if You don't have it - pour water) and leave it for a while You will be preparing the dough. Chop up the bar of chocolate. Melt the butter and combine it with sugar, mix till it gets puffy. Put every egg not at the same time, flour mixed with baking-powder, starch, cocoa, vanilla sugar, raisins with brandy (if You have used water, put the raisins without water) and chocolate. Mix everything very carefully. The dough shouldn't be very stiff or runny. To test the dough whether it is good or not, You can taking it into the spoon. If the dough falls not fast - it is perfect. Preheat an oven till 180 degrees. Place the dough to the forms of cake or to the one big form, put it in the oven and bake for about 40 min. In the end of baking, the tops of muffins should „explode"and to become as a crater of volcano. After the muffins have baked, leave them in the oven for cooling. Serve the muffins glazed with chocolate glaze or the caster sugar.
This superb dessert is very delicious because in the middle of muffins we can „explore"the melt chocolate. This sweet is perfect for adult, child and finally grandparent. It is not difficult to bake it and the products are available in a kitchen of every housewife.
Recipe and photo of Martyna Petrulytė