Hot air balloon flight over Vilnius
2009-08-10 11:53
Vilnius from above is wonderful. The author of this article persuaded this fact.
Travelers are picking up from their familiar place.

A Hot air balloon flight over a city is a rarity in Europe and in the entire world. Major capitals are surrounded by the airports with an intensive aircraft traffic. This is the main let for a hot air balloon to float up and admire the city from above. Vilnius in this case is oddly unique. A flight over the roofs of Vilnius is a wonderful entertainment both for the citizens and for the city guests. It is safe to say, that the old town of Vilnius is one of the most beautiful ones of Europe - its beauty becomes obvious when you are floating up over its roofs.
Hot air balloon will float up from a tiny platform

Man can fly over the city early in the morning or late in the evening, when the airflows become equal and the hot air balloon cannot be caught of a powerful airstream, which can throw a hot air balloon on the roofs, or on the contrary - lift it over the clouds. Only professional pilots can fly - they constantly reach an airport, which controls the flight. Because of this reason, a hot air balloon flight is maximum safe. A flight costs 350-400 Lt per person, a hot air balloon floats up when a minimum sum of 900 Lt is gathered. It is recommended to book a flight in advance - when the pilots choose the best time for a flight, if there are less people, they collect a group of passengers. The passengers are picking up from the given place and till they go by the direction of the wind, the best place for the flight start is being searched. A hot air balloon flies, when it is a congenial weather, which is foreknown by the pilots - they follow the weather maps and the views from a satellite.

This time we fly again with Roman from "Padangių gėlės". He picks us from "Akropolis" and we go towards Tymo Quarter, the wind is still strong, but relents. There are a lot of hot air balloons in the valley of Tymo Quarter - we accidentally came to one event. There is left only a little space between the trees, from which the hot air balloon luckily floats up.
We are lucky - the wind brings us to Gediminas castle, all the old town is beneath us. The further impressions from this flight are best seen in the photo gallery (see below. Photos enlarge).
Sergejus Jeriomenko
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