Bread scones
2010-12-07 17:03
The smell of the fresh, homemade bread will wake up even the biggest sleepyhead
I suggest to bake the bread scones.
1 teaspoon of the dry yeast
1,5 teaspoon of salt
1,5 tablespoon of sugar
½ cup semolina
1 cup flour
Put everything into a bowl, mix.
Pour 1 tablespoon of oil and 1 cup water.
Stir the dough, cover and leave in the warm place for about 45 min.
Grease the hands with oil, take the dough, form the scones and place them into a baking tray.
Make the pinpricks with your finger, dredge with dried garlic.
Bake at 200 degrees for 20-25 min.
Very delicious while hot with the butter.
Recipe of Galina Jagello