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Poppy Seed Biscuit with Sultans‘ Cream

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Placed on: 2010-12-07 16:07   Updated on: 2010-12-07 17:01   Comments: 0   Views from 2009-08-25: 0

Poppy Seed Biscuit with Sultans‘ Cream
2010-12-07 16:02



Poppy seeds                                  2 cups

Desiccated coconut medium        ½ cup

Eggs                                              6

Caster sugar                                ½ cup

Rome concentrate                         1/5 teaspoon


 Dried Vanilla pudding           1/3 cup  (2packages)

Milk                                          1 ½ lb

Sugar                                         ½ cup

Butter                                         1 cup

Canned pineapple                1 (8 ounce) can

Jelly                                           3 cups

Poppy Seed Biscuit with Sultans‘ Cream


Soak poppy seeds in water for 12 hours. Soaked poppy seeds combine with desiccated coconut medium, eggs, caster sugar, rome concentrate till it gets solid. Pour everything into a greased (with butter) baking dish and bake 180°C for 25-30min, cool the cake.

Cream:  Boil 1lb milk with sugar, then beat in dried vanilla pudding (melted in ½ lb milk) in the boiling milk, boil for 3-4 minutes and mix, and then cool it well. Stir the cooled pudding with a mixer and put the butter.  

Put ½ cream on the cooled poppy seed batter, pour 1 cup jelly and cool it. Put the left cream, then pineapples, then the left jelly and cool again.



Valentin Bianchi Famiglia Late Harvest, sweet

Gold, perfectly offset taste, honey bouquet wine with a cue of citrus fruit husk and hay. Cool the wine before serving.

Germany, Moselle valley:


Selbach Riesling Kabinett (Fish), medium sweet

Aroma of flowers. Distinct taste of fruit (peaches, apples). Perfectly offset, elegant white wine with a little bit noticeable sweetness.


Recipe and photo of Slaweko Kowaliko

Categories: Food, recipes, wine, Desserts and sweets
Poppy Seed Biscuit with Sultans‘ Cream
Poppy Seed Biscuit with Sultans‘ Cream

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