Grilled fish rolls
2010-10-27 16:12
Fish lovers will definitely like this dish.
slices of the green zucchini,
cod fillet (you can use the other low-fat, white-meat fish),
spice, a little bit lemon juice.
Fillet the fish, dredge with spice, flake the fillet in order it would be possible to roll up a slice of green zucchini, sprinkled with lemon juice. Flake the flank, dredge with meat spice and leave for a while. Secure rolls with tooth picks. Flank should be as wider as it will be possible because it should ring whole roll. Have in mind that cooked fish is very crisp. Place on the grill and cook. Take away the rolls very carefully because it can crumble. I have no doubt that fish lovers will like this dish.
Recipe and photo of Dalia Dulkienė