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Catalog > Lithuania

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Sartu Str. 19a, Kaunas
Phone: (37) 70 69 00

Rūdiškės' stadium

Rūdiškės, Trakai

Rugby stadium

Partizanų str. 192, Kaunas

S. Darius and S. Girenas sports centre

Perkuno Ave. 5, Kaunas
Phone: (37) 20 05 14

Sagittarius, sports club

S. Shimkaus Str. 17a, Klaipėda
Phone: (46) 31 50 94

Shaule, sports and health club

Zhiburio Str. 5, Alytus
Phone: (315) 702 62


Baltu Ave. 8, Kaunas
Phone: (37) 37 78 43

Skating-rink "Laplandija" of Sernai

Village of Rokai , Klaipėda district, Klaipėda
Phone: (846) 47 77 74

Sport and repose

Zhemaites Str. 6, Vilnius
Phone: (5) 213 30 55

Sport centre of Ąžuolynas

Sporto str. 3, Kaunas

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