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Fankas, aerobics studio

Savanoriu Ave. 66, Kaunas
Phone: (37) 20 57 60

Fitnesas (fitness)

Debreceno Str. 52a, Klaipėda
Phone: (46) 34 08 07

Forma, fitness club

Shauliu Str. 48, Klaipėda
Phone: (46) 21 97 68

Gylys (sting), body-building, fitness and shaping

Aushros Ave. 31, Šiauliai
Phone: (41) 52 37 80

Golf fields “Elnias”

Didžiosios Lapės, Kaunas

Graciya (grace)

Biyunu Str. 10, Klaipėda
Phone: (46) 31 49 92

Grozhio versme (spring of beauty)

Ugniagesiu Str. 3, Alytus
Phone: (315) 751 70

Health and sports complex

Gaures Str. 27a, Tauragė
Phone: (446) 614 47

Ice palace/ skating rink of Vilnius

Ąžuolyno str. 5, Vilnius
Phone: (852) 42 42 12

J. Romanchikienes IU

J. Yanonio Str. 9, Gargždai
Phone: (689) 667 89

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