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Updated on: 2009-08-20 19:46  Views from 2009-08-25: 0

Kuba, the pool club

Address:Šeimyniškių str. 3a
Phone:27 34 904
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Kuba, the pool club

Main catalog categories:
  • Sports, fitness clubs, sauna, pools in  >>

We have to disappoint everyone who thinks that only gangsters play billiards in the dark bars, trying to sneak out the last cents from trustful stray. The „Kuba“ pool club propagates billiards as the relaxing way of spending your spare time together with the friends and colleagues. . Of course, the sportive hazard is inevitable. There are 8 high quality pool tables, and you can play every day there. The club is open: Sun-Wed 12.00pm-12am; Thu-Sat 12.00pm – 4.00am. One hour costs 13 Lt until 6pm, 23Lt from 6pm. Regular clients have even a 30% discount. Every Thursday from 8pm there are open amateurs tournaments, several times per year- the national championships, huge commercial contests.

Very often people feel shy of playing, even though they would like that so much. They just don‘t know how to start. In this case, „Kuba“ will help you immediately. The self-dependent people will find the rules of „the eight“, „the nine“ and 14+1, which will be depicted graphically. Those who wish to learn in person can fearlessly ask the barmen. G.Mickus, the club owner, will not refuse helping the rookies either. For those, who are eager to learn how to play pool, the club can offer the lessons of billiards. Both children and grown ups are welcome to learn on Saturdays at 10am-12pm, and Sundays at 12am-2pm. As G.Mickus told us, there are no accidentals- everything has to be estimated mathematically and geometrical rules have to be fully understood. Improvisation, without which the game is impossible, comes later when the rudiments are mastered. Of course, the physical player‘s data and his skills aren‘t the only important things: the ability to control psychologically yourself, evaluate situation and act on other players in your favor are necessary, too.

As you may predict, „Kuba“ is the club designed in Latin American style, however, moderately: sham Indians don‘t stand in the corners there. In „Kuba“, you can also order pizza from the Čili Pizzeria net: the selection is really great (appr. 50 sorts. If you order more than for 12Lt, the pizzas will be delivered free in „Kuba“.




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Kuba, the pool club

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Kuba, the pool club

Šeimyniškių str. 3a , Vilnius
Phone: 27 34 904, Email:


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