Liubavas Manor Watermill-Museum
2010-09-14 14:30
Situated near Vilnius, Liubavas (Lubow) is one of the oldest estates in Lithuania, one that sits at a picturesque location near the River Gerėja, presently known as Žalesa.
The ponds of Liubavas were thoroughly described in the treasury book of the Lithuanian ruler Žygimantas Augustas (Sigismund Augustus) back in 1546. The Liubavas estate has gone through great changes over centuries, its territory stretching all the way to Lake Siesartis at one point, and the whole place enduring significant ordeals in the Soviet times. Liubavas has been governed by the nobles, beginning with the royal family, the Duke Mikalojus Radvila Rudasis (Mikalojus Radvila the Red), the Golejevskis (Golejewski) family, the politicians Krišpinas Kiršenšteinas (Kryszpin Kierszeynsteyn) and up to the count Tiškevičius (Tyszkiewicz) family and the talented Slizienis (Slizien).

Shrouded with mystery and full of surprises and discoveries, abandoned by all, Liubavas (Lithuanians relate it to word "love", "good"), the most romantic manor in Lithuania is presented in the unique stonework mill of the manor - a new museum initiated by the sculptor Gintaras Karosas. This monument of technological heritage tells the story of the manor and exhibits the authentic fixtures of the mill.
The Project of Restoration of Liubavas Manor Watermill and its Adaptation to Cultural and Public Needs is being implemented by Public Institution Europos Parkas. This project is supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism and co-financed by the Republic of Lithuania.
Liubavas Manor Mill Museum will open its doors to visitors in 2011 and will welcome visitors yearly from April 15th to October 15th.
Opening times: Wednesday - Sunday from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Admission: discounts for students, senior citizens and groups.
Address : Liubavo k., LT-15143 Vilniaus r. Lithuania
Tel. (+370 5) 2 377 077 E-mail: