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Catalog > Lithuania > Kaunas region > Kaunas

Catalog > Museums, Castles, Church, Parks, Attractions in Kaunas

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Culture, science, research and teaching shall be unrestricted. The State shall support culture and science, and shall be concerned with the protection of Lithuanian history, art, and other cultural monuments and valuables.




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Aleksoto funikulierius (Aleksotas funicular)

Amerikos Lietuviu Str. 6, Kaunas
Phone: (37) 38 71 19

Antanas ir Yonas Yushkai museum of ethnic culture

Kauno Mazhoyi Str. 2, Vilkija, Kaunas area, Kaunas
Phone: (37) 55 64 00

B. ir V. Sruogu namai-muzieyus (B. and V. Sruogai

B. Sruogos Str. 21, Kaunas
Phone: (37) 73 04 74

Botanical gardens

Zh. E. Zhilibero Str. 6, Kaunas
Phone: (37) 39 00 33

J. Gruodis memorial museum

Salako Str. 18, Kaunas
Phone: (37) 73 24 98

J. Grushas memorial museum

Kalniechiu Str. 93, Kaunas
Phone: (37) 33 08 60

J. Tumas-Vaizhgantas memorial museum

Aleksoto Str. 10-4, Kaunas
Phone: (37) 22 23 71

Jewels museum

L. Zamenhofo Str./Kurpiu Str. 13, Kaunas
Phone: (37) 22 7 780

Kaunas IX fort museum

Zhemaichiu Rd. 73, Kaunas
Phone: (37) 37 77 15

Memorial museum of S. Neris

S. Neries Str. 7, Kaunas
Phone: (37) 37 36 06

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