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Catalog > Festivals, events, exhibitions, repertory theater in Vilnius region

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Vilnius City Jazz Festival

The traditional international Vilnius City Jazz Festival, organized by “Vilniaus Festivaliai” will be running in November

August , Capital Days in Vilnius

International city festival CAPITAL DAYS (Sostinės dienos), one of the most important multi-art form events in Vilnius, is taking place in August - September

July Days of Live Archaeology in Kernavė

Visitors of the event will have an unique possibility to get in touch with reconstructed archaic crafts.

May, first Saturday Street Musician Day

Every first Saturday of May everybody who has any musical instrument and can obtain a sound or noise with it, goes out to the streets of a city and plays.

March Kaziukas Fair

The beginning of spring is a particular time in Lithuania. Its remarkable feature, besides the melting snow and the first sunshine, is a great number of tourists flooding Vilnius streets and squares. On the first Sunday of spring, the atmosphere of joy and celebration reigns Vilnius. The reason for this is the famous Kaziukas fair, the annual folk crafts and arts festival, attracting visitors from all over the world to the capital of Lithuania.

Days of Live Archeology in Kernave

The Beginning of July. Days of Live Archeology in Kernave

The guests of this festival can try theirselves to start a fire in an ancient manner, to taste the archaic meals or to shoot from a bow.

Culture and art in Lithuania

Culture, science, research and teaching shall be unrestricted. The State shall support culture and science, and shall be concerned with the protection of Lithuanian history, art, and other cultural monuments and valuables.



Vilnius region

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Congress Palace of Vilnius

Vilniaus str. 6/14, Vilnius
Phone: 2628127, 2618828 (kasa), Email:

Grigiškių culture houses

Vilniaus str. 12, Grigiškės, Vilnius
Phone: 243 23 73

Lithuanian Music Academy

Gedimino av. 42, Vilnius
Phone: 8-5-26126 91

Lithuanian National Philharmonia

Aušros Vartų str. 5, Vilnius
Phone: 8-5-266 52 10, Email:

Sereikiškių Park

Vilnius, Vilnius

The Cultural Centre of Ukmerge

Kauno str. 8, Ukmergė
Phone: 8 (340) 63 801

Venues in Vilnius

Venues in Vilnius, Vilnius
Phone: +370-46-222222

Vilnius Concert and Sports Palace

Rinktinės str. 1, Vilnius
Phone: ( 5) 27 28 942

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