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Catalog > Shopping, souvenirs, gifts in Lithuania > Fashion, clothing, cosmetics shops in Lithuania

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Men and women today are living longer, healthier and more active lives than ever before. Our lifestyles, the effects of sun exposure, daily life stresses and gravity combine to produce visible signs of aging. The face-lift procedure is done to restore a more youthful and rested appearance by removing excess fat, tightening underlying muscles and redraping the skin of the face and neck.

A little bit of beautiful history…

People, who think that cosmetics are the discovery of our time are totally wrong. They did use makeup preparations and sometimes quite radically.

Existance on the catwalk only

Coarse seams, torn out sleeves, holey pockets. No, those are not some tramp’s rags. This is an avant-guard fashion. Silk and steel. Corsets, collars, tulle raincoats and fur underwear. It’s hard to concoct something that hasn’t been concocted by the fashion industry.




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Aš nupirksiu batukus tau (I will buy shoes for yo

Etmonų 2, Vilnius
Phone: (5) 212 32 47


Žirnių 64, Vilnius
Phone: (5) 27 33 293


Savanorių pr. 16, Vilnius
Phone: (5) 23 54 065


J. Basanavičiaus 20, Vilnius
Phone: (5) 265 08 04

Bagdonas ir kompanija

Šaltinių 10-1, Vilnius
Phone: (698) 323 45

Baltijos arsenalas

Totorių str. 19, Vilnius
Phone: (5) 212 18 78

Batų fabrikas

V. Kudirkos 3, Vilnius
Phone: (5) 265 15 52

Batų respublika

Pilies 7, Vilnius
Phone: (5) 261 24 28

Batų respublika, shoe shop

Ozo str. 25, Vilnius
Phone: (5) 238 77 58


Pylimo 30, Vilnius
Phone: (5) 279 13 11

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