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Catalog > Best things to do in Lithuania > Clubs, night clubs in Lithuania

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Night life in Vilnius

The dance scene in Vilnius has, somewhat undeservedly, had the reputation of lagging behind Riga and Tallinn. But this, at least partly, has to do with a wider range of musical tastes here; there are strong followings for death metal, hardcore punk, reggae, jazz and the like. That can`t be said, say, for Tallinn.




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Lithuanian Rotary committee

Dukshtu Str. 16, Vilnius
Phone: (5) 24 19 542

Lithuanian Vytautai club

K. Donelaichio Str. 64, Kaunas
Phone: (37) 37 52 68

Lithuanian wild club

Gedimino avenue 24, Vilnius
Phone: (5) 26 24 473

Lu Lu. Strip-tease club

A. Goshtauto Str. 12, Vilnius
Phone: 8(22) 62 08 43, 62 00 29


Giedros Str. 3-1, Kaunas
Phone: (37) 77 02 62

Lukshiai disabled club

A. Tatares Str. 35, Šakiai
Phone: (345) 44 330


Pelkiu Str. 9a, Panevėžys
Phone: (45) 57 67 39

Magriya, G. Gelezhinienes fashion theatre

Klaipedos Str. 30-10, Klaipėda
Phone: (46) 48 15 62

Malibu, naktinis klubas (Malibu, night club)

Zhirmunu Str. 106a, Vilnius
Phone: 8-5-277 6806, Email:

Marchers' Club of Vilnius University

Saulėtekio av. 31, Vilnius
Phone: (5) 27 25 264

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