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Catalog > Lithuania > Vilnius region > Vilnius

Catalog > Festivals, events, exhibitions, repertory theater in Vilnius > Galleries and long time Exhibitions in Vilnius

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The Lithuanian Exhibition Centre LITEXPO

The Lithuanian Exhibition Centre LITEXPO is a unique place where the pulse of public life is best felt and its changes are quickest to be noticed.

Amber is a traditional souvenir from Lithuania

The Baltic amber, succinct, formed of amber pine tress – pinus succinifera – which in the Eocene period (55-40 million years ago) grew in south slopes and plains of Scandinavia. In the old Baltic amber tertiary forests conifers, palms, oaks, beeches, elms, chestnuts, willows, cinnamons, magnolias and olives, also mushrooms, mosses and lichens were growing.

Culture and art in Lithuania

Culture, science, research and teaching shall be unrestricted. The State shall support culture and science, and shall be concerned with the protection of Lithuanian history, art, and other cultural monuments and valuables.




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