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Vrbov thermal pool

Thermal pools in Tatras Mountains

It is possible to swim in even few thermal pools in the base of Tatras

Stary Smokovec Skiing routes

Stary Smokovec (The High Tatras, Slovakia)

Stary Smokovec ski resort in High Tatras Mountains : what to do, hotels, restaurants, transport, skiing routes.

Close to mountain cafe is a place for skiing inventory

Downhill skiing in Slovakia, in the High Tatras

No doubt that for those, who love extreme and active leisure, Slovakia is a perfect country for holidays

St. Casimir's Church and the Jesuit Monastery

St. Casimir's Church and the Jesuit Monastery

The dome of the St. Casimir's Church and the Jogailaitis family crown on top of it are one of the dominating structures in the panorama of the Old Town. This was the very first baroque church in Lithuania, which the Jesuits built during 1604-1618 in memory of Saint Prince Casimir and with the support of the Grand Chancellor of Lithuania, Leonas Sapiega.

The Synagogue, Vilnius, Lithuania

The Synagogue

The Synagogue is the only remaining one of the one hundred and five synagogues and Jewish temples in Vilnius.

Vilnius, Gates of Down, The image of the Virgin Mary

The Gates of Dawn

The Gates of Dawn are one of the symbols of the city of Vilnius. These gates are a famous Catholic shrine not only in the whole of Lithuania but also abroad.

Stalin monument

Grūto park

The collection of the Museum consists of sculptures and bas-reliefs of the Soviet era the "heroes". They are symbols of the cruelty and absurdity of the Soviet regime and show the manipulations performed with historical facts

Palūšė wooden church

Aukštaitija National Park

Aukstaitija National Park was founded in 1974. At present the total area of the park is 40,570 hectares. The park is located nearly 100 km to the north of Vilnius, and roughly 170 km to the north east of Kaunas.

The Eifel Tower

The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is the symbol of Paris, which is truly worth a close look and atleast a touch

Turaida Castle

A Trip to Sigulda - the Most Visited Place in Latvia

Tour to Sigulda, Castle of Turaida, what to do in Sigulda, best places in Sigulda, Cave in Sigulda



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Kaishiadorys museum

Gedimino Str. 85, Kaišiadorys
Phone: (346) 5 41 61

Kaunas IX fort museum

Zhemaichiu Rd. 73, Kaunas
Phone: (37) 37 77 15

Kedainiai land museum

Didzhioji Str. 19, Kėdainiai
Phone: (347) 5 13 30

Kelme land museum

Dvaro Str. 5, Kelmė
Phone: (427) 6 10 65

Kernave State museum-reservation of archaeology an

Kerniaus Str. 4a, Kernave, Shirvintos area,
Phone: (382) 4 73 71

Klaipeda clocks museum

Liepu Str. 12, Klaipėda
Phone: (46) 41 04 13

Klovainiai school ethnographical museum

Zhalioji Str. 2a, Klovainiai, Pakruoyis area, Pakruojis
Phone: (421) 4 44 22

Koplychia (chapel), chamber concerts and exhibitio

Vilniaus Str. 35, Anykščiai
Phone: (381) 5 44 32

Kriaunos history museum

Kriaunos, Rokishkis area, Rokiškis
Phone: (458) 4 17 18

Kulioniai etnographical farmstead

Kulioniai village, Chiulenai, Moletai area, Molėtai
Phone: (383) 4 54 16

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